
Friday, August 26, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog...

...that is the question! 

There was a time when I would've said blogging was in me - as in something I had to do, something about which I had no choice.  I'm no longer sure that's the case but I do still enjoy blogging, when I have the time.  I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I'm not sure exactly where to go with my blogging.  I love that I have so many followers, and I love (even more) the valuable connections I've made through this blog but...where should I go from here?

That's where you come in...

A fellow adoptive mom and good friend of mine, (see what I mean about the valuable connections I've made through blogging!) Wendy recently wrote a post and I've decided to follow her lead. 

If you read my blog...

Can you take a moment to leave me a comment and tell me a bit about yourself?  How did you find my blog and what has kept you interested in it?  Did you adopt or do you have plans to do so?  What other connections do you have to adoption?  Is there anything you would like me to write about or write more/less about?    

Thanks for the feedback!





Anonymous said...

Ok, fine. Delurking so you don't shut down your blog. ;) I don't remember how I found you, but at the time we were considering transracial adoption. We ended up adopting our older son (17 months now) through the foster system and also gave birth to our younger son (9 months old now). Ive kept reading because I am interested in all things adoption related. Plus your son is so stinkin' cute!

I think whatever you want to write about is fine. I just love reading about other families. Thanks for sharing!

Tracey said...

I found your blog through adoption links. Our sons are about the same age. I like hearing about how your son is developing and the funny things he does. Please keep bloggin...when you have time.

Duck Hunter said...

I'm not adopting, but I've enjoyed (and still enjoy) reading your blog(s). Reading this blog has really taught me what the process of adoption is like. That's one of the things I like about your blog, is I learned something!

Meg said...

I found your blog through Production not Reproduction. I have really enjoyed reading it, and have actually read through the old posts leading up to your adoption twice- once when starting out our adoption journey, and once again during a low point for me- a lot of the ways you feel and describe things are exactly how I feel, and so I wanted to read back through and say "YES" there is hope, this journey will have a positive end.

My husband and I are currently in the waiting families part of domestic adoption. We have just had our first couple of "situations" to consider and its been an emotional rollercoaster deciding what is within our realm of special needs we can responsibly handle, etc. I blog at, which you have stopped by before.

Please keep blogging! I love your perspective on things, particularly transracial adoption. There are a lot of scholarly books out there, but I much more appreciate your viewpoint from a mommy's heart.

Kelly said...

I honestly don't remember how I found your blog, but I love that our families look so similar.

I also like that your blog is real. It's not about the "magical" life of adoption, work, life, it's REAL. The ups and downs.

(and your son is really cute, I like his pictures most of all!)

Rachel said...

I don't remember how I found you... I think you found me first. But I love reading your thoughtful takes on adoptive parenting and I love to read about your gorgeous son! I have always appreciated your blog because it is so real. It is nit all sunshine and roses, because life is not all sunshine and roses. Please don't stop!! :)

Heather C. said...

I don't remember how I found your blog. My husband and I are considering adoption and I LOVE reading adoption and parenting after adoption blogs.

happymomof4 said...

I'm not sure how I found your blog, but I do enjoy reading it!! I'm an adoptive mom myself, so many of the blogs I read have that same connection. I hope you will continue to blog:)

alicia said...

found your blog through mels list! and when we basically got our babies at the same time i knew we had a little connection :) so i have kept reading to see your little man grow up as my little lady grows up! plus we do plan to adopt one day and reading about how your life is going after adopting is so great to see! and i love the pics :)

Anonymous said...

I don't remember how I found your blog. I think you may have commented on my old blog and I then went to yours. I've followed your adventure because I'm also an adoptive parent w/a child around the same age and it's nice to see what others are going through. I know I hardly have any followers on my blog anymore, guess it's not that interesting of a read once adoption has occurred.

Jessica said...

I think I initially came over from Rebekah's blog. But I've stuck around because we're so much alike! Our sons are so close in age, we've been through domestic adoption, and the balancing act of work and home and work away from home.

But it's Charlie that always keeps me coming back. Love his stories and pictures. And just love the realness you bring! Would love to see more, but, um, I know how it is! (I'm one to talk, right?)

Anonymous said...

I don't know how I found you. I think you found me. I am fairly certain you were my first adoption connection online and you were def my first f2f internet friend! Love you and miss you and that sweet boy!

Me said...

I love your blog! I enjoy reading it and link to it from my blog because I identify with your posts and comments and I've missed them lately. My husband and I adopted our son last September and you have def. been inspiration for us! I value your insight and thoughts on adoption, life experiences and parenting! Thanks for all that you do - you rock! PS - don't stop blogging! :-)

AmandaJane said...

Hi! I'm not positive about the exact route that lead me to your blog - but I think that we follow a lot of the same blogs.
My son, adopted domestically, is 16 months old. I have a blog that I'm currently switching over to a new location (
I love reading your blog - thank you for sharing :)

Wendy said...

Hi Melba :) You already know this, but we also adopted. I am pretty sure either I found your blog or you found my blog through Rebekah's blog? I think that's right! You and I have met and know each other, so I love reading updates from you. But even before that, I just liked hearing about adoption from your perspective.

I like reading everything you write...adoption-related or otherwise!

Beth said...

I found your blog when we first started our journey towards adoption. I actually emailed you because I really related to a post you made about being plus size and adopting.
Right now we are waiting for our homestudy to be complete so we can really be "waiting" for the right US Domestic Adoption.

Brooke said...

Ok, I'm popping out of hiding again to say hello. Do you remember how we found each other? It was quite some time ago, that much I remember. And I know that we live in the same area too :) I've just always kept you in my blog reader and follow along when you post!

Anonymous said...

I'm a lurker too but love your blog. I have followed it since you were waiting for Charlie. Can't remember how I found you but you are one of the few blogs I have kept. Love the pics. Charlie is the cutest.

Sarah said...

Hi there, Melba! I'm a horrible commenter, but I'm still here... you're one of my very favorite bloggy friends! I found you & Bri at the same time, & became so emotionally invested in your stories while you were waiting for your little ones. Since then, I've loved just following along with your life via your blog & facebook. I think you should write about whatever's stewing in your brain, whether it's deep thoughts or worries or rants or just simple journal entries... I think that 1 or 5 yrs from now, you'll be so glad to have this little snapshot of where you were (& yes, this is the same speech I give myself when I hit a blogging slump or identity crisis :)

Teresa said...

I never really comment,because I'm not super computer savvy.... but I have a few quiet moments this Saturday morning. My little one 16 mos. is being calm and checking out his feet in the high chair. I follow Waiting for Bambino and saw she follows you. The thing that REALLY makes me want to follow you are your ideas on the "book" to introduce the adoption subject. I am so worried about this whole process. I want this subject to be so natural to him. I need ideas on how to start the subject and make it 2nd nature. Please comment more on this subject. I plan to visit your site more and when I have time. We met our son when he was 3 days old. Domestic adoption. He's brought such joy, and excitement to our lives. Teresa

Anonymous said...


Deb said...

No idea how I found you I've been following too long to remember that.
You know our story, adopted our daughter April 2008. I like hearing about daily life as a transracial adoptive family just like mine. I also happen to love watching Charlie grow. You have a talent with words and I always enjoy your posts whatever they are about.

Brandi said...

I know I found your blog on someone's side bar on their blog but cannot remember who's blog that was back in either late 2008 or early 2009! I had been TTCing for 3 1/2 years when I started researching adoption and foster care. I just officially adopted my son in June after 26 long months of being a foster mom! I love to read your blog, sorry I don't comment more:(

joyce said...

Hi Melba! I think I found your blog from reading Wendy's blog. My husband and I adopted our baby boy Sam, in May 2010, as an infant. We are a transracial family as our son and I are both African-American and my husband is Italian-American. I love reading about Charlie and hearing about his developmental milestones and how you are handling his high-spiritedness :) I find your writing very helpful as I find myself going through some of the same issues with Sammy. In addition, you're also a fabulous writer and often post about things I'm feeling or thinking before I've had a chance to :)

I don't know if you're planning a second adoption but I would love to hear your thoughts on why you may or may not adopt again. It's an issue we're struggling with at the moment.

StylinMom said... may not remember me but a long long time ago when we both were waiting for our miracle, I found your blog or you found mine I have no idea...I have been MIA for awhile just got to painful to write about...but I never ever forgot would pop into my head from time to time and I would haul out the old google reader and look you up...I'm back blogging again about our lovely little girl Miss "D"....yes life has a way of surprising you when you least expect it!! I am now needing those connections I had a few years ago more then ever...
It is so nice to catch up with you again...the sweet boy is just getting sweeter!!!

Denver Jen said...

Melba- Hi. I've finally found time to catch-up on blogs and am happy to see you are still writing. This comment is 2 years late but have to say I've loved your blog for many years and you were one of the first bloggers I ever followed. Glad I have some good reading ahead of me to fill my afternoon.