This is a big step and I feel excited and nervous all at once. There is so much to learn and I can't seem to get my hands on enough information to satisfy my curiosity. I've already read four adoption books, ranging from personal stories all the way to the how-to variety. I know that a lot of what we will learn will come through experience only and that's just the nature of the adoption process but I still yearn for answers to all my questions!
I haven't been quite sure until now that I wanted to create a blog for this part of our lives but the act of placing that oh so important letter in the mailbox today made me realize that I do. We have been waiting a long time to become parents and now that we have taken these steps toward making that dream a reality it seems impossible to NOT write about it. I am an avid journal keeper anyway, both in electronic and paper form so this will be yet another link in my journaling chain.

I guess I'm done for tonight. I know there will be more to say soon!
What a good idea to keep everything about the adoption process in one place like this. I am proud of you and filled with hope and concern. I hope everything works out ... I am concerned about the process you must go through.
I love you lots and am here to support when needed.
I think this is awesome! I'm excited to read about your journey through this process. I'm sure the two of you will make a child very happy.
Melanie & Michael,
Gil and I want you to both know that we love you both very much. I know that this journey will be a scary yet exciting one and please just try to remember to enjoy the road along the way. There may be bumps in the road, but let me tell you based on a lot of experience and stories told by many of my family members those bumps will give you a lifetime of happiness. Congrats on your huge life decision. May your family be blessed. We are always here for you guys.
With love and the deepest congrats
Sherri & Gilbert
Melba and Michael,
We want you to know how excited we are that you have chosen this journey. Whoever chooses you as a parent for their child will be making a wise choice. You are both beautiful people and will make the most loving and caring parnts that a child could ask for.
We love you very much and are here whenever you need anything.
Love your baby sister (and Jason)
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