I finally feel it's OK to dream a little! For the first time in a long, long time, I genuinely believe what my blog signature says..."mom-to-be!" Not that I didn't believe it before, but somehow before today that statement felt...I don't know, more like I was trying to convince myself than an actual truth I felt. Does that make any sense?
After getting this great news, and making all those exciting calls to friends and family, I had a strong urge to do something symbolic to mark this day. Unfortunately, we just gave the last of our available money to the agency, so I didn't think I would be able to do any shopping. I happened to look through my wallet (for an unrelated purpose) when I found an erstwhile Barnes & Noble gift certificate that my dear, sweet husband gave me earlier this year. This was actually one of his Christmas gifts, but being the big sweetheart he is, he gave it to me as a little rainy day fund. So...off to B&N I went. I got three books, two of which are about adoption, and one of which is about parenting. This is the first book I've purchased about parenting not specifically related to adoption, so it's pretty exciting for me. And here's a nerdy picture to brighten your day:

I was impressed with the selection of adoption related books at the store I visited. Since the last time I was there (about 6 months ago) they've gotten several new adoption books, and they even had a baby book for adoptive families, which is the first I've seen in a retail store. I may even write them a note and express my appreciation for their support of adoption. The adoption community so needs more positive representation in "the real world" so their acknowledgment of the topic put an extra spring in my step. The two books I chose are A Love Like No Other and Keys to Parenting an Adopted Child These both look interesting to me, and should be valuable additions to our growing adoption library.
Today is a GOOD DAY!!!

That's great! And that "What to expect the first year" book is a great resource.
Congratulations! I'm so excited for the two of you. It won't be long now.
"Melba... Mom-to-be" Oh yeah, I think it definitely has a ring of truth!! :) Congratulations to you and Michael... You're one huge step closer! So, so exciting :)
Woo HOO! Congrats on getting officially in the pool! Good shopping finds too!
Yay!!! I'm so happy for you, and your great picture truly sums up how excited you must be feeling. The "What to Expect in the First Year" as well as the "What to Expect in the Toddler Years" have been great reference books for me :)
oh my god, i am near tears, i'm so happy for you... i LOVE that pic of you with the book... congratulations!
i don't even know what to say :)
reading this has made my day (and it's been a rough day so that's saying a lot)
Melba, I am soooooo excited with you!!!! Tears of joy!!!!
Now the 'real' waiting begins! Hold fast to faith!!
Yay Melba! I'm so happy for you! Its so funny, that book is on my list! I feel it coming soon....
YAY!!!!! SO SO SO thrilled for you! You are almost there, almost a mom :)
Book stores here suck! There is only 3 adoption books and I have read them all!!! SO lame. I have to get mine from a private adoption agency bookstore, sooo frustrating! Enjoy reading!
Congratulations on entering the pool. I also have the book "What to expect the first year". I was first so terrified to start reading it, because I didn't want to jinx anything... But I said to myself that I have to be prepared just in case.
I'm just now reading this ( I know a WEEK LATE!!) SO, SO, SO, thrilled for you! You wrote out my exact feelings. I too have felt a little guarded and still can't believe it's truly going to happen. Once we make our "splash" I think I'll be over my head in excitement!!! Hopefully, we'll be waiting buds soon....Our final home study is in two days and then we just wait for the write up (C.W. said to expect a week or two). We're not far behind! :)
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