Once Elly and Amanda got here I was able to relax and be myself and I think Michael felt comfortable too. They were here for about an hour and 45 minutes and they asked us all sorts of questions, from how we plan to discipline our kids to whether there was anything we would change about our own childhoods. It was like the most intensive interview you can imagine times 100, and personal rather than professional.
But there was nothing really difficult to answer...the questions did require some careful thought and it was important for us to be ourselves, but I think we did okay with that. Once we were done talking they took a fairly brief tour of our house and that was that. Now they’ll work on writing their final report for the courts and we have to work on our "Dear Birthparent" letter and our adoptive parenting photo albums. These tasks seem daunting and it’s a lot to do but at least these projects are more intriguing than the initial paperwork was. I’m so excited to be moving on and making our way through the process!
Thanks to my parents we got a lot of good (needed) house projects done in preparation. One repaired and one new garage door, a new back screen door, a repaired front window screen, a nasty wood pile removed from our back carport, a new screen for our sliding glass door and some other odds and ends. We also got a TON of deep cleaning done, which was much needed. I’m glad these things are all taken care of now and I’m so thankful for all the help from my family but I’m also wondering why I stressed myself out so much now that it’s over! Just one of those lessons that can only be learned through personal experience I suppose.
I feel happy, if exhausted.

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