Thanks to
Eileen for giving me this award! I love reading her blog and feel that we are on the same page regarding our adoption stories more often than not. Like us, she and her hubby have been married a long time and have been through much on their way to parenthood, I hope they are matched soon. Eileen and her husband are in the process of selling their home right now, which is a major transition...hop on over and give her some love!
About this award...
The "uber" (synonym for super) is a blog award given to sites who:
- inspire you
- make you smile and laugh
- or maybe give you amazing information
- a great read
- has an amazing design
- and any other reason you can think of that makes them uber amazing!The rules for my award recipients...
1) Put the logo on your blog or post.
2) Nominate at least five blogs (can be more) that for you are uber amazing.
3) Let them know that they have received this uber amazing award by commenting on their blog.
4) Share the love by linking to this post and the person you received the award from.
And my
Uber Amazing Awards go to...
Jamie - This blog is a fairly recent addition to my reading list, but man am I inspired! Jamie writes beautifully and from the heart, her words have moved me. She writes recently about being on "cloud nine" because they have been recently matched...I am thrilled with this news and I enjoy her blog very much!
Natalie - Again, a new blog for me, but one I am loving reading! Natalie has a great and uplifting quote at the top of her page (that she also left for me in a comment,) and I am inspired by her story.
Malloryn - Malloryn is in the paperwork mountain phase of the adoption process and it's great to follow along as her story unfolds. They are making great progress with their adoption to-do pile and I am enjoying being a fly on this wall...
Vintage Mommy - All I can really say is WOW! This lady has some amazing ideas and is always giving me food for thought about adoption related topics. Her blog is a treasure to be sure!
Bri - I know she already received this but she's one of my constants through this crazy journey. I love to read her blog and always look forward to new posts. Sometimes it seems odd to feel such a strong connection to someone I only know "virtually," but Bri is one of those people for me without a doubt!
Rebekah - Again, I am duplicating this award for Rebekah, but I can't resist. She is a constant inspiration for me. She has an amazing sense of faith and hope through thick and thin. Even when she's down...I find her words and her spirit truly uplifting. Yet again I've come to feel that I really "know" Rebekah through her words and that is a great feeling. Since we are both Michiganders we are hoping to meet IRL sometime soon--I hope that notion becomes reality!
Nancy - Again a blog I've been reading for a long time now. We are close to the same spot in our adoption journeys and I love to read Nancy's posts. She is heartfelt and truthful with her writing and I am often encouraged by what she has to say!
Oh gees I could got on and on. I would just send them to all of you wonderful ladies! I am having a hard time not continuing this list with every blog I read! I am so inspired and encouraged by all of your blogs and your stories and I love this "virtual world" of friendship more than I can really say in words. THANK YOU to everyone for your constant support, encouragement, and inspiration.