In keeping with the Pink Rose tradition, I would also like to dedicate this award to the following people:
- My mom and two sisters - Though I can't for the life of me get any of them to blog regularly, they are an excellent support system for me and I tremendously appreciate their love and friendship.
- Nancy at Budintash - Nancy writes from the heart, and it shows on her blog. She peppers her posts with delicious-looking recipes that make me want to stay in my kitchen all day long. Nancy always makes me feel good with her comments and encouragement and I enjoy reading her blog every chance I get. She and her husband are well on the way to achieving their dreams of becoming mommy & daddy, and I can't wait to witness their joy when that time comes.
- Becky at 4 Days in a Week - She may have already received this award in the past, but if so it's been a while. Becky brings so much optimism and hope to the blogosphere. I love reading the stories about her two little ones, and I love the encouragement and support she provides for me, and other waiting families! As a busy mommy of two, she still finds time to blog regularly, and to be a cheerleader for those of us who are following in her footsteps. THANK YOU, BECKY!!
- Rebekah at Heart Cries - She is such an inspiration to me with her strong faith and positive way of looking at the world, not to mention this whole adoption thing. She writes beautifully with an eloquent style that is all her own. She has creative energy that is contagious, and her baby-room decorating skills are something to see!
- Debbie at Family Reunion - Debbie writes lovely posts about her baby daughter, and is always quick to comment on my blog. I love that she scrapbooks on the floor next to where her daughter is napping, and I love how in love she is with her family. She is an inspiration to me, and I look forward to the day when we can compare mommy stories!
Here are the instructions for passing this award along:
- On your blog, copy and paste the award, these rules, a link back to the person who selected you, and a link to this post: "Pink is my favorite color...". There's a story of the Pink Rose Award and other graphics to choose from.
- Select as many award recipients as you would like, link to their blog (if they have one,) and explain why you have chosen them.
- Let them know that you have selected them for an award by commenting on one of their posts.
- If you are selected, pass it on by giving the Pink Rose Award to others.
- If you find that someone you want to nominate has already been selected by someone else, you can still honor them by posting a comment on their award post stating your reasons for wishing to grant them the award.
- You do not have to wait until someone nominates you to nominate someone else.