I just got off the phone with our SW and I am feeling so much better now. She wasn't sure if it would make me feel better or worse, so she somewhat hesitantly told me that the last b.mom who looked at our profile took only three albums home, including ours. Our SW said that the b.mom really liked us and thought we both sounded like "so much fun." I wish that would have been enough to make her choose us, but such is life. There seems to (finally!) be activity with our agency again, which makes a huge difference in how I feel overall. I have a small feeling of hope regarding this whole crazy process again and it's a welcome relief.
I'll be honest, I have been feeling a tremendous amount of self-doubt and sadness lately. There has been a shadow hanging over me, primarily regarding my weight, but also the fact that I'm so non-traditional in terms of still being in school at my age. I've been feeling lately that I will never be able to be a mom because I'm not thin like everyone else, even though I know I am absolutely meant to be a mom. It's just that sometimes when I compare myself to other 30-somethings, I feel woefully inadequate and very behind the times. I'm just so ready to have a "normal" job, and to be done with this crazy run-around called college. Normally I am such a confident, self-assured person, but lately I just haven't felt it and that's been bugging me.
I don't know--I'm sure there are still some trying days ahead with all of this, but for the first time in quite a while, I feel like everything really will be okay in the end. At least I can hope!