OK so we really had to hit the ground running with this whole parenting thing. As many of you know, I had squandered away a few things here and there, but we really hadn't purchased anything significant.
Though I do like the idea, I'm not exactly what you'd call a minimalist mom. Still, I have discovered that you can get by with
a lot less baby stuff than the registry check lists would have you believe. Following is my list of the baby gear that I'm pretty sure I couldn't have lived without these past weeks...or at least that I wouldn't have wanted to live without:
Infantimo Sling Rider - 
I have absolutely loved the freedom and comfort of knowing that Charlie is right there with me, but still being able to get some things done. Without this little treasure, there's no way I would have been able to do as much picture editing and blogging. I LOVE this, and so does Charlie...we honestly couldn't do without this one!
Miracle Blanket - Even though our little Houdini still somehow manages to get his hands out, this thing is great for encouraging healthy sleep habits. In fact, I could use one or two more, because our nights are noticeably different when this is dirty.
Vibrating Bassinet - See photo above...this has been great for us. I have been in no way ready to have Charlie in a different room of the house while we {attempt} to sleep, so this is the perfect solution. This was given to me by my awesome older sister, so I'm not sure where she purchased it...but they are everywhere. Since the world can seem like a big, scary place to babies who have been in the womb for nine months, bassinets offer a peaceful transition between womb and big crib. We love this, especially because it's on wheels and can be easily moved around. As you can see, he sleeps very peacefully in said bassinet. :)
Little Lamb Baby Swing - This was given to me by my girlfriend from school, Karen. This was an extremely generous gift, and I am so grateful. It is a very cushy little spot for Charlie, and he loves to watch the mobile spin around. I like the fact that it has several different speeds, it can swing both back-and-forth and side-to-side, and it has several different musical themes. This is one of Charlie's favorite places to be when we're not holding him.
Bottle Sterilizer -Without a dishwasher, this gives me comfort that I'm getting Charlie's bottle nipples really clean. I still have to do a quick wash before sterilizing the nipples, but it's much easier than any other method I could use.
Carseat and Stroller - These are obvious, I know...but if I could have bought anything before placement, this would have been it!

Changing Table - Our pediatrician recommended having one consistent place where we change Charlie so that he begins to associate diaper changes (i.e. quality time with us) to one specific place. This was part of the fabulous gift from my family when they decorated our nursery on Charlie's homecoming day...I couldn't have chosen one I liked better if I had been there to pick it out myself. I guess they know me pretty well! This is also great for organization and keeping things clean. I like having everything in one place, and knowing that if Charlie does manage to pee sans diaper, the mess can be easily cleaned up. Changes here and there - on the bed, floor, or couch - while convenient, aren't super friendly to parents...this changing table is also a back saver for us, which is a plus!
Pacifiers - It sort of goes without saying, but these little gems are definitely necessary! I could see the exception being a mom trying to breastfeed b/c this can interfere with the latching on process, but otherwise these are a definite! The thing that has surprised me though, is how many we need! We lose them all the time, and our dog eats them...so I'm constantly buying new pacifiers when I go to the store.
Nasal Aspirator - Gross, I know...but truly a must have for a tiny baby. Charlie gets really stuffy, especially when he first wakes up in the morning. This tool makes the job easier and less messy!
Baby Bath Tub - This is handy because it can be used either in the sink, or in the bathtub. It's also lightweight, and it hangs on the shower rod when not in use. It makes things a little easier when dealing with a slippery newborn...which, regardless of prior experience, can be a pretty daunting occurrence!
Playtex Bottles -
Bottles are obvious, of course...but I have to include them in my list. I chose Playtex drop-ins because they are the closest thing to breast feeding. The bag mimics a deflating breast as baby sucks, which seemed like the next best option to me. I also like that these help prevent colic and excess gas because they're gentler on baby tummies. The convenience of the bags and only having to wash nipples and rings is pretty handy too. I'm even happier now that I've discovered the drop in bags are recyclable.
Diapers -
Another given, and my favorite disposables are either the Huggies Gentle Care, which I thought had a better umbilical cord notch for the newborn days, or Pampers Swaddlers, which are very soft. Both are excellent as far as disposable diapers go. Having said that, we are presently in the process of making a complete switch to cloth diapers. I've done quite a bit of research, and with Karen's help, have decided to go with Bum Genius 3.0 diapers. I received my shipment on Friday, and am currently doing the required pre-washing...I'm sure I'll have more to say about this in future posts.
Enfamil LIPIL Formula - But of course...food is a must! We "chose" this formula for the simple fact that it was what the hospital was already feeding him, but we have had great results. The Enfamil Family Beginnings program (see link) is a great way to get valuable coupons too!
And that's it for now. I already know there will be a few additions as Charlie gets older, such as the
Bumbo seat, which was one of my first baby item indulgences, and his
Me Too chair, which was an amazing gift from one of my besties, Molly. There is so much STUFF on the market out there, and I think a great deal of it is just plain unnecessary. What are your favorite items/gifts, and what have you found to be a must-have? Or if you're currently waiting, what are you most eager to try on your little one when the time comes?